[Valid Atom 1.0] GDLT Primary (Part-time) CQU flex student: Theres a gecko in my garden

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Theres a gecko in my garden

 Well, I have just used one of the photos on my  computer and uploaded it to flickr. This is to demonstrate my ability to upload personal photos, and use a photo storage service such as flickr as the host.  After this process I believe that a service such as flickr  is a very useful tool. Relating this to my personal experience of not having photos on my new laptop, flickr solves this problem. Currently most of our photos are stored on the family computer. This means that if I need to use a photo or even just browse through them, I must use this computer.  This has been a big issue for me, as my husband has needed to use the family computer as an extra screen ( for his webinars )  over the past two weeks.  The end result is that it has been very difficult for me to even look at photos. Flickr solves that problem all together. Simply log onto the sight and you can view your photos, anywhere, anytime! How great is that. When I have some free time ? -   I will be using flickr to host many of our photos, so that if my something unfortunate happens to my computer, all is not lost!!  Further discussion in my next post.
Originally uploaded by meganirw

A gecko in my garden

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