[Valid Atom 1.0] GDLT Primary (Part-time) CQU flex student: Setting up my Blog!!

please check out my wiki at http://www.wikispaces.com/user/my/meganirw

Monday, April 26, 2010

Setting up my Blog!!

Here I am setting up a blog. It is just a matter of trial and error - or so I keep telling myself!

  Blogs are an on line device, which can be used collaboratively or individually for various purposes.  Individual students can utilise a blog as an online journal, a reflective tool or as a communication enhancement between teacher and student. The opportunities for students to practice creative writing, display information (reports); complete homework and remark on peers work are just a few examples. A teacher could incorporate this tool into students learning by recording creative stories on individual blogs. Storybird, can also be used to display the writing with graphics as well. By making the blog address available to other students in the class it would enable students to review peers work and make critical comments for improvements/changes. It also would allow the classroom teacher to check on students progress in this area, as they could view it outside of class hours. The blog can also be viewed by anyone on the web, so can encourage conversations with anyone who has an interest in the blog information. 

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