[Valid Atom 1.0] GDLT Primary (Part-time) CQU flex student: Residential School

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Residential School

Residential School Well it was a long train ride from Brisbane to Rockhampton (10 hours), but it was nice to have a bit of time to myself. Finished off my Jodi Picoult novel, as I new that after February 25th, there would be no time for relaxing! Checked into the accommodation and fell blissfully asleep. Day one of residential school. Got to meet fellow students living on campus and make our way to the lecture room. After a full on day, my mind was overloaded, yet I still managed to make it to the Mahara workshop that evening. Feeling a little confused and overwhelmed, I quickly figured out that I was going to have to learn about technology very quickly! The three days went fast and I think I am going to like this course. Even though there was a lot of information to take in, I am sure it will all come together when I return home to hit the books. After trying to read some journal articles on the train ride back to Brisbane, I felt that I was going to become well acquainted with books and articles very rapidly. Since it has been such a long time since I have studied, I really had to look at how I was going to complete these tasks every week, and understand the important information. With a bit of trial and error, plus highlighters, pens and sticky notes, I quickly realised that it was taking some time. However by the end of the first week, I learnt how to skim the information, plus highlight the important sections. Then to finish the process I would write the important parts in my notebook. I found this helped to consolidate everything for me. It soon became apparent, that this was going to be very time consuming, but necessary. It is the way that I learn!

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