[Valid Atom 1.0] GDLT Primary (Part-time) CQU flex student: Dimensions of Learning and Creating Positive Habits of Mind

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dimensions of Learning and Creating Positive Habits of Mind

Week three threw me into a deep, deep spin. Between the two subjects, I became a little nervous about the amount of reading this week. The textbook by Marzano and Pickering arrived on Monday ( thank goodness), and there was a lot to do. Earlier in the week, I focused on reading chapter 2, which was about declarative and procedural knowledge. I found this topic very difficult to comprehend, and used note taking to excess. There was a lot of very important information, which I felt could not be skimmed over. By the weekend I was ready to read chapter 1 and 5, and found that I could understand the concepts outlined in the book. The textbook is great as the summary at the end of each chapter provides enough details to obtain a grasp on the key points discussed. The key topics for discussion this week included ' The Habits of Mind' and Dimensions of Learning. Two articles were read containing information about both ideas and how these could be linked to the LMQ's. The predominant concepts that evolved this week relate to how we, as learning managers will utilise this in our pedagogy. (Marzano and Pickering et al, 1997) identify that " attitudes and perceptions" are key elements in classroom design and functionality. Without positive attitudes and a welcoming, stable environment , effective learning will not take place.' The authors provided the reader with ideas on how to incorporate activities into the classroom, that will enable an effective learning environment to be achieved.  Continuing along the path the Dimensions of Learning discusses number 2 , which is acquire and integrate the knowledge. This section explores how teachers can ensure that students acquire the knowledge required to understand the topic/concepts. Some of these techniques include --- Dimension 3 ( extend and refine)  and the fourth is to( make meaning out of the information.  Marzano and Pickering et al, 1997)  From discussions on the forum with other students about this topic, I fully agree that the Dimensions of Learning are very beneficial concepts, which I would hope to integrate into my practice. Comparing Marzanos Dimensions of Learning with Kosta's Habits of Mind, there are some similarities between the outcomes that both believe should be achieved. Personally, I find Marzano's easier to understand and comprehend, and can see it's benefits in the classroom environment.

1 comment:

Samantha Prior said...

Hi there,

I have to agree, I began to feel like I was barely treading water with all of the information. But I must say I found all of the information on the Habits of Mind and the Dimensions of Learning fascinating and so useful. The first DoL especially is I think paramount to each and every classroom. Without the right attitudes how can anyone hope to achieve success.

Thanks for sharing your journey with us.
