[Valid Atom 1.0] GDLT Primary (Part-time) CQU flex student: You tube video for maths lesson on fractions

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

You tube video for maths lesson on fractions

I don't know about you, but I really disliked maths at school. I could not understand the concepts and rote learning of times tables really disinterested me! For my year 4 prac class, I decide to use a you tube video as the hook to gain interest at the beginning of the lesson. I also used this tool, as an opportunity to engage a variety of learners and learning styles. In essence I wanted to make the lesson interesting and fun in the hope that students would engage in the topic. I asked the class to focus on the words and think about the upcoming lesson. I also gave them the opportunity to engage in physical activity prior to the lesson to incorporate some HPE into the lesson experience also. Enjoy!

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